Ben Brown's list of 158 practice round resolutions, plus a couple of my favorites. Use at your own risk.
Resolved: Beauty Pageants do more harm than good to society
Resolved: US high schools should be privatized
Resolved: the debaters in this round should stop doing debate altogether
Resolved: the judge should give 30 speaks to all debaters in this round
Resolved: When in conflict, a government should allow 100 of its citizens to die rather than 300 foreigners.
Resolved: A full heart is worth an empty mind.
Resolved: This House believes that justice is just us
Resolved: Philosophers are wasting their time
Resolved: The Olympics should have a permanent location
Resolved: The Trump administration should attempt to prosecute Joe Biden and/or his campaign.
Resolved: Foreign Policy ought to be prioritized over domestic politics (not a typo)
Resolved: College is a better option than its alternatives
Resolved: The terrorists have a point
Resolved: ‘Because I said so’ is a valid parental response
Resolved: This House is a dead man walking
Resolved: This House would put all its eggs in one basket
Resolved: “Person X” was the most influential person of the 20th century.
Scenario: The judge is the US government in 1945. The debaters have gone back in time to persuade the judge of their side. Resolved: Don’t drop the bomb.
(Selection of this option means the debate will not have a resolution.)
Resolved: “A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends”
Resolved: The “Fourth Estate” now needs a “Fifth Estate”
Resolved: It’s not what you know, it’s who you know
Resolved: This House accepts that two plus two equals five
Resolved: “I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who overcomes his enemies.” - Aristotle
Resolved: Reason isn’t the a priori consideration
Resolved: Kyle Lee is at least an 8/10
Resolved: This house should spill the tea
Resolved: The NCFCA community is significantly more sus than the Stoa community
Resolved: This house is morally obligated to say no homo
Resolved: The average attractiveness of NCFCA competitors is higher than the average attractiveness of Stoa competitors
Resolved: Yoga is a religious activity.
Resolved: Failing to fail makes you a failure
Resolved: Kritiks are unethical
Resolved: consequentialism is better philosophy than deontology
Resolved: the United States should take steps to colonize Mars
Resolved: Justice is subjective
Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reform its policy toward Hezbollah
Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reform its policy toward Yamam (Note: Yamam is an Israeli counter-terrorist unit)
Resolved: NCFCA should reform its at-large system
Resolved: NCFCA should ban public schoolers from competing
Resolved: No pain, no gain
Resolved: The majority of highschoolers should avoid romantic relationships
Resolved: Spotify is overvalued
Resolved: Music quality can be objectively measured
Resolved: The SAT is better than the ACT
Resolved: Going to an Ivy league college isn't worth it
Resolved: Evernote is better than OneNote
Resolved: This resolution is a metaphor resolution
Resolved: Topical counterplans are a viable debate strategy in team policy debate
Resolved: Ace peak is better than Ethos Debate
Resolved: America's patent law should be significantly deregulated
Resolved: NCFCA has significantly more competitors who are Chads than Stoa
Resolved: This house should install DeCutr
Resolved: This House regrets that “The cat’s in the cradle.”
Resolved: On balance, participation trophies do more harm than good.
Resolved: Simping for one’s crush is net beneficial. (Note of resolutional intent: “simping” is used without gender-specific connotation here)
Resolved: This House believes that the notion of the individual being unique is a myth.
Resolved: “The greater good” has never been used as justification for the greater good.
Resolved: In an authoritarian society, communism would almost inevitably give way to utopia.
Resolved: The US should A. Authorize slavery as punishment for one or more crimes, B. Sell convicted slaves to the highest bidder, and C. Amend or abolish existing laws to allow for parts A and B
Resolved: The USFG should sell stock in its judicial system.
Scenario: You just realized your entire life is a dream, and you’ve been given a remote with one button on it, which, if pressed, wakes your real self up. You’ve been informed that your “real life” is much worse than this life. Resolved: Push the button.
Resolved: A senior in high school who’s been accepted to a liberal arts college could be justified in cheating in math class.
Resolved: This House should burn the ships.
Scenario: You’re Ben Brown at 10:00 PM CDT on April 20th, 2020. You’ve just created the flier for IDT 1. Resolved: Delete the document.
Resolved: This House believes that the Clintons have a higher body count than the CIA.
Resolved: Governments ought to enforce morality.
Resolved: The UK should abolish the Monarchy.
Resolved: Killing in the Hunger Games is ethically justifiable.
Resolved: This House is never gonna give you up
Resolved: Rick Astley never should have published Never Gonna Give You Up.
Resolved: This House believes that everyone should ride first-class at least once in their lives.
Resolved: Ship accounts on Instagram do more harm than good.
Resolved: The USFG should lower the minimum age requirement for all elected federal offices to 12 years of age.
Resolved: This House regrets the invention of the internet.
Resolved: In high school forensics leagues, depth of education ought to be valued above rhetorical effectiveness.
Resolved: This House regrets the notion of national identity.
Resolved: The USFG should end legal recognition of marriage within 10 years.
Resolved: This House would imperialize the third world.
Resolved: China has influenced world history to a greater extent than all nations currently or previously having inhabited what is now the UK.
Resolved: The US should work with private military contractors.
Resolved: The US should abolish the party system.
Resolved: The extemporaneous speaking event has a higher skill cap than impromptu.
Resolved: This House would model its policy-making after the maxim, "No harm, no foul."
Resolved: Not all anime is bad
Resolved: The Affirmative speaker will never be in a romantic relationship
Resolved: GIFs posted in Discord channels are not technically rickrolls
Scenario: You've been given a device that has the power to erase all memory of a particular thing. Resolved: Use the device to eliminate all memory of the British television series Teletubbies
Resolved: The paparazzi are a net societal harm
Resolved: Political activism by major corporations is net beneficial
Resolved: America is no longer the land of opportunity
Resolved: Put head to head, Elon Musk would win the Republican nomination over Ben Shapiro
Resolved: Pull out of NATO
Resolved: Abolish the Senate
Resolved: This House, on a deserted island, would prefer a functional Super Nintendo with corresponding games over a copy of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto
Resolved: This House believes that use of the phrase “This House” in resolutions does more harm than good
Resolved: The j
Resolved: wya
Resolved: btw
Resolved: The US should not have signed NAFTA
Resolved: This House would imperialize the third world
Resolved: This House deplores the metaverse
Resolved: Hyper-dogmatism is preferable to hyper-intellectualism
Resolved: Feminism is not yet a girl, not yet a woman.
Resolved: In limited preparation formats, obscurity in resolution topic areas does more harm than good
Resolved: Generation Z’s aptitude to create new words is net beneficial
Resolved: This House supports elitism
Resolved: This House would welcome a brave new world
Resolved: Carthago delenda est
Resolved: The negative debater should win this round
Resolved: [Person X] was the greatest person of the 19th century
Medicare is Unconstitutional
The USFG should take substantial action regarding Zoom.
Resolved: Empathy ought to be valued about Happiness
Resolved: In personal electronic devices, Samsung is superior to apple.
The USFG should take substantial action against North Korea
Rap Music is Morally Repugnant
I should be a movie star
Spotify is worth the money
The USFG should ban plastic water bottles
Resolved: Surrender is preferable to destruction.
Resolved: That when in conflict, the preservation of endangered species is more important than the protection of indigenous culture.
Resolved: The US Should Abolish the Minimum Wage.
Resolved: Tesla has significantly changed the luxury car market forever.
Resolved: “When in doubt, don’t”
Resolved: Red is better than blue
Resolved: The US Federal Government and/or the 50 states should implement a cap-and-trade (CAT) system
Resolved: It would be better that the Gamestop debacle hadn’t happened
Resolved: Yeet
Resolved: This House would put all its eggs in one basket
Resolved: Meta will fail
Resolved: In the workplace, on-the-job learning is of greater value than formal training
Resolved: This House regrets the British royalty’s eminence in the public sphere
Resolved: “The people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made” - The Sound of Silence, Simon & Garfunkel
Resolved: Stoa should add a new limited-preparation speech event
Resolved: America is in for a rude awakening
Resolved: This House opposes jury nullification
Resolved: The US should require would-be parents to be licensed before having children
Resolved: The United Nations should establish a standing army
Resolved: It is better to lose one’s hands than one’s voice
Resolved: Individual morality ought to be valued above societal morality
Resolved: “The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls” - The Sound of Silence, by Simon and Garfunkel
Scenario: In a parallel universe, the average human IQ is 200. Resolved: That universe is a better place than our own
Resolved: Justice is a means to an end
Resolved: Art is overrated
Resolved: Divided we stand, united we fall (Not a typo)
Resolved: On balance, America is better served by a dedicated opposition than by a unified government
Resolved: The USFG should legalize recreational drug use
Resolved: A government’s popularity determines its legitimacy
Resolved: Governments ought to protect citizens from themselves
Resolved: “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread” - Alexander Pope
Resolved: Philanthropy is a moral duty for the rich
Resolved: Honesty is the highest virtue
Scenario: You are confronted by The Trolley Problem in real life. Resolved: It is your moral imperative to pull the lever
Resolved: Dualism is a valid ideology
Scenario: You are a private contractor working for the US government in the year 2100. You have just invented and created the first time machine, for the use of the US government. Resolved: Destroy the machine along with the blueprints and any evidence it ever existed
Resolved: The United States Federal Government will make The District of Columbia a commonwealth state.
Resolved: Death is a preferable alternative to living under Communism
Resolved: All clocks should run on military time.
Resolved: Anime has been a disaster for the human race
Resolved: No one actually watched the Super Bowl game.
Resolved: Harvard Professors should be able to ban homeschooling.
Resolved: Adolf Hitler is a better person than Joseph Stalin
Resolved: "All nations should take steps toward utilizing one universal language"
My favorite Resolutions:
Resolved: Optimism is unwise
Resolved: A military draft is morally justifiable
Resolved: Political activism by major corporations is net beneficial
Resolved: There should be an age limit on the presidency
Resolved: NCFCA should be more like Stoa
Resolved: NCFCA should replace moot with parli
Resolved: NCFCA resolutions should be more narrow
Resolved: NCFCA should allow one-man policy teams
Resolved: Actors would be better than economists as presidents
Resolved: Country life is better than city life
Resolved: This House would claim they have to go to the bathroom to escape awkward social situations
Resolved: Men are better than women
Resolved: Highschoolers should not date
Resolved: Insulting someone’s mother is more effective than insulting their father
Resolved: Romance makes one wiser
Resolved: The first affirmative speaker should ask the second negative speaker out on a date
Resolved: Terrorism is economically beneficial
Resolved: My dad could beat up your dad
Resolved: This house should move into an apartment